Our minds needs nutrients to perform well! The word of God says that after we come out from among them that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. I think we presented everything to God at that time except our mind, which can only be renewed through the word of God. Last month we were lead on a fast and I know some of us thought that we were going to die, and you were right! You should have died to anything that caused your flesh to be in control. The Lord desires for us to do everything in moderation, too much of anything is not good. In the beginning, God created everything and he said was very good, on the third day the Lord called the land and the seas to become, he then produced vegetation. The 6th day God spoke and said “ I have given you every herb, every tree, and every fruit, to you it shall be MEAT! Their food was fruits, vegetables, and grains all of it came from a seed of Gods thoughts and spoken from his words We are what we say! What Are You Saying? Let’s get back to Eden!
Romans 12:1-2 Deuteronomy 8:3, Genesis 1:11,12, 29-31, 2:17, Philippians 4:5,
The biggest lesson we need to learn from this fast is that it was for a change to take place in us! God has given us a fresh new perspective and what you do with it is your choice. Old habits die hard! Therefore take this opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit in giving the temple of God what it needs to endure successfully through the many tasks you are assigned. We have been emptied, now the father wishes to refill us with new wine. He is not going to do all the work, you have a part to do as well. Faith without works is dead, so let us finish the race well by laying aside every weight together. We are to remember, Jesus endured some afflictions that none of us could bear to live through and so did some of his followers. They are our examples along with our chosen leaders. Let’s not sadden the father’s heart by not coming to the full certain belief that his word promises.
Hebrews 11:6, Hebrews 12, Matthew 9:16-17
God has delivered us out of far more tragic things than overcoming poor eating habits. Allow the lord to expand your thought patterns and take your faith higher during this season, his thoughts and ways are higher than ours. Dare to come up! We grieve the Holy Spirit when we are not walking in faith with God’s word because that’s all it agrees with. I know that we all experienced some challenges during this time, I pray that it has brought you closer to the father. We are all part of the body of Christ, we abuse it and expect it to be in top-notch condition. That is insane thinking because this extra weight is slowing down our maturity growth process.
James 4:8, Ephesians 4:30 2 Peter 3:18
Final thought:
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”
